Momentum and energy exchange between transparent domain wall and perturbation wave(透明畴壁和微扰波之间的动量和能量交换)

报告题目:Momentum and energy exchange between transparent domain wall and

perturbation wave透明畴壁和微扰波之间的动量和能量交换)

报告人:兰金副教授 天津大学

报告时间:1017日上午 1000



报告摘要:Order parameter is the fundamental quantity to characterize spontaneous symmetry-broken systems. Upon the homogenous and static background, the basic spatial and dynamical excitation of order parameter are the domain wall (soliton) and perturbation wave. Here we study the interaction between the domain wall and perturbation wave, starting from the representative sine-Gordon model. We find that although the domain wall is transparent to perturbation wave, the domain wall gains a temporary negative velocity and width increment as wave passing, due to the momentum and energy exchange respectively. We further show that this momentum and energy exchange scheme generally applies to transparent systems including (anti-)ferromagnets and long Josephson junctions.

报告人简介:兰金,天津大学理学院副教授,分别于20082013年在浙江大学取得学士和博士学位,于2013~2018年在复旦大学从事博士后研究。从2018年起在天津大学理学院工作。兰金博士的研究方向为凝聚态物理自旋电子学理论,具体研究兴趣为自旋波物理。在Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Physical Review X等国际权威杂志上发表有多篇研究论文,并申请有6项专利。兰金博士现为包括Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B在内的十多个国内外知名杂志的审稿人。
