An anisotropic higher-order exceptional point and its singular behaviors

报告题目:An anisotropic higher-order exceptional point and its singular behaviors

报告人:马冠聪博士 (助理教授,香港浸会大学)

报告时间:114日,上午10:00 – 11:00



报告摘要:We present a theoretical and experimental investigation of a three-level tight-binding non-Hermitian system.The system is tunable in a three-dimensional parameter space spanned by loss/gain and two independent detuning. The system has one order-3 exceptional point, characterized by the coalescence of all three eigenstates. We show that this is in fact an anisotropic exceptional point, displaying drastically different behaviors when approached from either one of the parametric directions. In particular, we found that the system also has two exceptional arcs consisting of order-2 exceptional points. These two exceptional arcs terminate at the order-3 exceptional point. All the above phenomena are observed experimentally. Through an experimental characterization of the phase rigidity of eigenvectors near the order-3 exceptional point, we confirmed that the system’s eigenvectors and eigenvalues follow different singular behaviors – a characteristic that is unique to exceptional point with order >2. We will also discuss an anomalous singular behavior when the order-3 exceptional point is approached from the specific parametric direction of loss/gain.


马冠聪博士于 2007 年本科毕业于华南理工大学应用物理系,于 2007 2012 年香港科技大学物理学系就读并取得物理学博士学位。 2012-2017 年分别在香港科技大学物理系和高等研究院任博士后研究员。 2018 年起在香港浸会大学物理系任助理教授。研究兴趣包括声波超材料,声子晶体, 声拓扑,非厄米系统等相关的经典波现象。相继在国际著名期刊 Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters 等发表文章 20 余篇。马博士于 2016 年在 Science Advances 发表关于声波超材料的综述文章, 于 2019 年在 Nature Reviews Physics 发表关于拓扑声学的综述文章。在国际著名会议 META PIERS 等做邀请报告 10 余次,并多次担任 META 会议、 Metamaterials 会议等的关于声波超材料和声子晶体的分会场组织者、 会场主席。






